The Definitive Guide to Crypto Job Descriptions [with templates]

The Definitive Guide to Crypto Job Descriptions [with templates]

This document contains: 1.) Advice on how to make your web3 job descriptions stand out 2.) Examples of job descriptions that nail it 3.) Templates you can duplicate to create your own job postings


Job descriptions in web3 often leave a lot to be desired. At thirdwork, we’ve helped some of the best companies, startups and projects in web3 hire freelancers with deep expertise in the space. In doing that, we’ve also shared advice, guidance and feedback to help companies with their full-time hiring.
We’ve decided to open-source our advice! Below, you’ll find a compilation of exclusive guidance we’ve shared with our clients to help their job listings stand out, as well as Notion templates that you can duplicate to create high-quality job descriptions quickly and confidently.


Your job descriptions represent your brand. A job description is often the first interaction people have with your company. In fact, it’s not uncommon for early-stage projects to receive far more visits to their job postings than their own website. Your job description will set the tone for how you’ll be perceived, so make it count.
A good job description helps you stand out. It might feel like candidates are lining up and down the block to work for you. And that may even be true, but you aren’t looking for any candidate, you’re looking for the best candidate. The needle in the haystack. And if your job description is lackluster, that candidate is going to skim your job description for 5 seconds and move on. In just a few seconds, you’ve missed out on top talent.
Crypto is highly competitive. Over the past year, Crypto has seen the highest growth of open roles of any industry on LinkedIn. There has been a 3500% increase in freelance job postings for web3 and crypto. That means is there is a lot of noise that you need to break through. A well-crafted job description could be the difference between you and your competitor winning out for top talent.
Job descriptions help you filter talent. Recruiting, if done well, is a time-consuming responsibility. It’s not uncommon for founders to spend 30-50% of their time on recruiting as the company begins to scale. That means that you need an efficient and effective process to move candidates through the hiring pipeline. A thoughtful and well-written job description allows you to be clear about your needs, which means candidates who are not a fit are more likely to opt out of your process.


Here are the top tips for what makes a good job description (and what so many job descriptions get wrong):

Start with your story

People resonate with a good story. Why is your company going to have an impact? Why does it matter? Too many crypto startups dive into the ‘what’ before sharing the ‘why’. The beginning of your job description is an opportunity to tell a compelling story about your company, your team and your vision. Make the applicant feel like they will part of something important instead of just working for a bi-weekly paycheck. You have only a few seconds to hook a reader, so you need to make it count.

Social proof matters

Recruiting candidates want to know what you have achieved, who believes in you, and what milestones you have hit. Have you raised money or hired talented people? Call that out early in your job description, including who your backers are. If you’re bootstrapping it, you can emphasize community size, social media following, or other traction you’ve gained. The applicant will look to feel proud sharing where they work.

Focus on the impact the candidate will have

There’s ample research that the best job descriptions help candidates visualize what their work is going to look like. Enter ‘Impact Job Descriptions’. Instead of saying that responsibilities will include “overseeing product direction”, you could say “in your first month, you’ll review our product roadmap and spend 10+ hours with our customers.” The best job descriptions we’ve seen often lay out a 6 month roadmap with key milestones the candidate would hit.

Don’t hide the ball on salary, equity, and/or token compensation

The best companies are up-front about what candidates can expect in terms of a range of salary, equity, and token incentives. Applicants value transparency. It also saves you time later in the process; there’s nothing worse than spending hours interviewing someone only to realize that your expectations around compensation are completely misaligned. Avoid that with clear compensation guidelines from the start.

Share details about the recruiting process

Having a tightly scoped, clear, and consistent process for recruiting is a must. It allows you to keep your own team aligned, provides the best experience for candidates, and helps you close top talent quickly. If you’ve invested the energy in defining a recruiting process, why not share it with candidates? It shows that you’re thoughtful, and helps set expectations for the timeline. Providing more transparency can also give the applicant a window into the culture of communication within the company once they start.

Decide if you need web3-native talent

It’s important to define this up-front, because it will impact how you communicate to candidates, what resources you share, and even impacts interview process. For freelance and contract roles, we see companies often prefer to hire talent who understand the ecosystem and have worked on similar web3-native problems. That makes sense since these are short-term engagements, and you want someone to hit the ground running. For full-time roles, it’s fairly common to see something like “crypto/web3/blockchain experience highly-preferred”. But your specific needs may vary. We’ve even heard of companies that offer paid training and web3 onboarding courses for all new hires!


Blockchain Engineers
Blockchain Engineers
Web3 Copywriters
Web3 Copywriters
UI/UX Designer
UI/UX Designer
Community Manager
Community Manager
Brand Strategists
Brand Strategists
Growth Marketers
Growth Marketers
Social Media Managers
Social Media Managers
Crypto Data Analysts
Crypto Data Analysts
If you are hiring for a role that is not included in this list and would like help crafting a top-notch job description, you can request it to be added by emailing our founders directly:
Example Job Description: CERE Blockchain Engineer
Example Job Description: Zama Blockchain Engineer